Friday, 4 May 2012

Who is Anjali? (Slight spoiler alert)

So who is Anjali?

Well, here is my initial character notes for her, tho I've yet to give her a fuller backstory.

Working class, but knows there's something different about them, just not sure what, this can be part of the journey. 
Their ancestors maybe originally “killed” off the Great Enemy, and were vilified by the ruling class for doing so, and hence putting their way of life at risk.
Also, just coming of age, and dealing with all that entails, roughly 14 to 16 (human) years old. Puberty is in full swing!

My good friend, Silvia, is doing some concept sketches, but I'm just wondering what you all think?

What do you think she looks like?
What's her personality going to be like, what sort of person is she?

I'd be thrilled to hear your ideas, even from the little bits of info I've given.

C Ya all soon!


  1. she seems like a bit of tom boy not afraid to get muddy or covered in engine oil!
    Anjali has an outer layer of confidence, and displays this to grown ups, but perhaps she has insecurity and is afraid on occasion. This could be shown in her having an old doll or blanket that she keeps in her pouch/belt. it reminds her of more innocent times. when she didn't know about the harsh reality of the world she now finds herself in...

  2. Hmmm, some good ideas in there Chris, cheers man. I like the idea of the doll or something, but that's lead me onto another idea, and what will become the key to the whole story ;o)

    As for the tom boy bit, I think you're bang on the nail there!



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