Hello peoples!
So, what am I working on, I hear you say…
Professionally, I can't say, it's all hush-hush….sorry!
But my personal projects, which is what this Blog is all about.
Well there are several, in different stages of production.
I have a script for a short film called "Flawed" that is currently with a director friend of mine who's giving it the once over for me. I wrote the story for Flawed almost 5 years ago now, it's a simple story, telling that it is imperfections that make the world a beautiful place, and it is now in memory of my first Daughter, Mia, who had severe Spina-Bifida, and was born asleep. Our little Angel!
I'll post the script for Flawed soon enough.
I also have another story in development, this one called Gift, at the moment.
It's quite hard to describe just what the story is, cos it's not really gelled as yet. Again I had the idea for it some time ago, when I was a student at Bournemouth Uni, and the seed for the idea was the U2 song, Running to Stand Still, a song that is about a heroine addicted couple. Gift in itself is more about addiction, and it will be a film-noir with Sci-Fi and Diesel-Punk influenced Visuals, other than that, all I know at the moment is that it will be some sort of "treasure hunt", the rest you'll find out as I come up with it, and post it on here.
The next post will be some of the images that I find insperational for Gift, and from which I'm also starting to build the characters and the story itself.
So happy hunting peoples!
See ya soon!
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