Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Some more images 'n' stuff

Hi Peoples!

Time for some more inspiration me thinks!

After writing Chapter I Parts IV and V this morning, I went on an image hunt on good old google, just to see if there was anything out there that looked even similar to what I have in my head, and low and behold, there is!


It's so much easier to show concept artists what you are thinking of, than to try to explain it in words.

First up, the towers of the city (that has no name as yet, answers and ideas please).
In the story they are described as having terraces, not something you normally associate with high-rise buildings, and not really something that is easy to design, you invariably end up going down the route of bits jutting out here and there, or something that looks like paddy fields.

But, architects herzog de meuron have been designing just such buildings, and even better for Gift, the have an open design that allows for a whole load of modification.

Here's a collection of images of their designs;

Also appearing in the chapter was a speedster that Anjali raced in the Skyway.
A really quick google image search for speedster soon brought up the Auburn 852 Speedster, a rather glorious looking machine, and one that could be quite easily modified to fly I feel, with it's sweeping curves and long snout!

And finally, when I'm doing almost any work of any sort, be it writing, designing or my VFx work, I almost always listen to music. For writing, I find that listening to certain tracks almost sets the mood for the story as it comes out of my finger tips. And for Gift there seems to be certain film soundtracks that set just the right scene, with the right amount of foreboding in the tracks, although you the readers don't know just what that foreboding is as yet, and truth be told, neither do I entirely.
I digress, the music!
It's the Batman sound tracks, from Batman Begins and Dark Knight. So whilst you are reading the chapters, try listening to those sound tracks at the same time, you can find them on Spotify.

Time for me to sign off for now!



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