Saturday, 5 May 2012

A bit about Production Design

Hi Peoples!

So, along the years that I've had the initial ideas for this, the way I envision it looking has changed more often that I'd like to admit.
Originally the design ethos I had was pure fantasy, but having worked on basically fantasy films for the last 4 years, in one form or another, be it mythological heros, boy wizards, or beasts of some sort, I've just about had a belly full of fantasy.
Add to that the fact that my first "love" in film is SF, I even studied it at school for 2 years, I have decided to go down a more SF route.
But also, I really don't want to do what's been done before, and am still trying to tie down the specifics for the design style of the film.
However, what I do have is a bunch of influences that I like to draw upon, some of which you could guess about from some of the artworks I have posted on before.

First of all, the design styles. It's going to be some sort of mash-up of the various punks, Diesel-Punk, Cyber-Punk, a bit of Steam-Punk, but with design influences from the 20's and 30's, between the wars.
But then, mix into that some more SF type influences, but also some more mundane design styles that you might see today, and you'd be close to what the sort of thing I'd like to see on screen.

Now, just to mess things up even more, the design ethos, the depth of design has to be as deep as films such as Blade Runner and the Lord of the Rings films. The only way to convince the viewer that they really are in a different world, a different time, is to design that world. All of it, even the bits you might not even see, only with such depth of design can this world become more than just an idea on a page, and become totally immersive.

Easy thing to say though, not quite so easy to achieve, but it is very very early days, and as I write the story, I'll have a whole bunch of ideas about the backgrounds to pretty well everything in the story, even a mundane toaster has a story, a life, as an inanimate object, and the design has to show that it is a toaster, that could well be used every single day, it might have a loose time knob, because everyone likes their toast done differently, will effect the look. It's that level of design that I'll be looking for.

So, whilst I'm rambling on about the design, maybe now would be a good point to ask if there are any concept designers out there that would like to take on this challenge, just for the challenge sake at the moment, if so, drop me a line.

Anyway, it's starting to get late here, so time for me to sign off for now.
Keep an eye out for the next little bit of the story sometime this week.

Hope you all are having a fun time!
Drop by again soon, and please please, let me know your thoughts!

Cheers for now!

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