Gift : Open Briefs

Calling all out to all Artists, TD's, tech's, whoever and whatever is out there.

Gift is always looking for tallented people to join the ranks to hopefully make this project become a real, funded, reality, and who knows, the ultimate goal of making the story into a feature film!

With that in mind, I am posting here some public briefs for various aspects of the project, and if you wish to use them as inspiration for your work, then please feel free.

All I ask is that you send them into the blog.

I looking forward to seeing all you talented peoples work!


Brief: OpB_0001
Creature: Dirts Desert Beast of Burden

To be a cross between a Large Eared Jerboas, some sort of Dinosaur/Lizard, and an Elephant. Roughly the size of a Lama.

Brief: OpB_0002
Robot/Mech: S.A.B.B (Single Automated Battle Bot)

To be big and powerfull, lots of upper body strength, but please not a transformer :o)

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